
01 // Recent Projects

01.1 //  Ampersand / 2016-2018 & 2019-23    
Product: Ampersand is a data-driven advertising sales and technology company. 
Role: UI Designer & Engineer

Process: Ampersand aimed to migrate 30+ legacy apps and integrate their functionality into a single responsive SaaS app, the And platform. I facilitated product teams in defining new workflows, played a bridge role in consulting on tech debt and scoping projects, and acted as lead UI engineer and designer for a teams of 20+ dedicated devs. In the latter role I created, maintained and documented a design system using Material as a base, built prototypes for use in production, and reviewed code check-ins to ensure compliance with design standards.

You can see a case study of this product here.
Main tools: Adobe CS, Figma, AngularJS, CSS, D3JS

01.2 //  City Colleges of Chicago / 2018-2019   
Product: City Colleges is a public community college system in the city of Chicago with nearly 7k students and 4k staff.
Role: UI Designer

Process: City Colleges was interested in migrating it’s website from a legacy tables-oriented front-end to be modern and responsive, as well as improving their WCAG compliance  and implementing microtransactions to gain feeback from students about regarding the site. I created protypes for an overhaul of they site’s front end and implemented them in coordination with my team. I also created surveys for web users, integrated new components into the website, and documented the results for internal review.
Main tools: Adobe CS, Figma, JS, CSS

02 // Mockups and Hi-Fi Prototypes

My life-long interests in visual design, layout and typography make creating mockups and hand-coded prototypes an aspect of this work I've always found satisfying. As an experienced user of online tools Figma, Axure, Balsalmiq, and others, I combine those tools with my many years creating in Javascript and  CSS.

I always aim to create beautiful prototypes that match the high-fidelity visual layout with a seamless dove-tailing of established coding patterns that engineering teams appreciate. You can see some examples of B2B and Saas visual mockups I've created below.

        03 // Small Projects

I’ve had the opportunity to do small projects for friends and non-profits over the years. They are small in scope but big in heart. Here are a few of my favorites. I do small-scope, non-profit sites pro-bono on occasion. If you are a non-profit that needs some UI work, drop me a line!

Sunbrimmer Records, 2014

A wall of vinyl records! What could be more enticing? This small shopify custom-theme integrated Instagram into the front page so that the site would feature a daily updating grid of records to catch the users attention.

Features: Responsive design, original font
Tools: HTML/CSS, Javascript, Liquid, Instagram API, Shopify API

Grey Duck Design, 2013

When my friend Matt decided to launch a design firm with his wife Bethany to provide interior design and general contracting services, I had to honor of making a custom wordpress theme for them to document their succesful and gorgeous projects.

Features: Responsive design, original graphic art
Tools: HTML/CSS, Bootstrap, Javascript

Jonathan Gardner (Portfolio), 2014

While this site did not last long, as Jonathan soon became represented by galleries with their own websites, it was a joy to design  with rich visual content. It was also my first project using React, a new framework at the time.

Features: Responsive design
Tools: HTML/CSS, Bootstrap, Javascript, React